Once upon a time, on the beautiful island of Trinidad and Tobago, a French farmer named Zachariah Michel arrived in 1889, dreaming of riches in cocoa. His passion and dedication to cocoa cultivation sparked the legacy passed down for generations and has now taken flight in the form of Mundo Nuevo Chocolate Limited.

Early beginnings

As the first and only contemporary artisan chocolate manufacturer in T&T, Mundo Nuevo continues to uphold the reputation of the island’s cocoa farmers. Recognized for their unique craftsmanship in perfecting the Trinitario bean, regarded as one of the finest cocoa beans in the world, Mundo Nuevo is changing the way the world sees chocolate.

Crafting a memory

With their commitment to traditional methods, Mundo Nuevo is devoted to preserving the rich flavors of the beans while crafting high-quality, hand-crafted chocolates from the finest ingredients, making their products wholly additive-free and entirely inspired by the cocoa’s natural aromas.

For nearly two centuries, generations of cocoa farmers have strived to bring excellence to the basic Trinitario bean. Mundo Nuevo Chocolate Limited was created out of that same passion, and today they continue to bring the exquisite taste of the Trinitario bean to the world. Take part in a delightful pleasure—indulge in Mundo Nuevo’s aromatic, mouth-watering chocolate and discover the beautiful flavors that make this chocolate unlike any other.

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